About Us

Evelyn Ashford
Case Manager
Tracy Beadle
Case Manager

We have successfully supported thousands of families through the process of gaining appropriate support, environment and therapeutic provision for their children and young adults (age 0-26). Our own children also have SEN and we fully understand the emotional, financial and practical difficulties that you may experience.

We have over 95% success rate in SEND Tribunal Appeals; most of which are agreed without the need for a hearing. We can help you to ensure that your case is well prepared, all evidence is presented clearly, with the application of current Legislation. We will guide you through the changing options and possibilities which may arise throughout your case. 
Our team will help you to obtain all of the records and data held regarding your child from both the school and the Local Authority. They will provide initial advice and help to prepare for your case. They may help to clarify which professional assessments are required and provide information about the Special Educational Needs processes and Legislation.

If you need support with a difficult meeting such as an ‘Annual Review’ or ‘Transfer Review’ we can advise and help you to prepare or attend with you. We have had great success in Formal Mediation meetings which may gain resolution without a SEND appeal

Our staff have extensive experience of the SEN process and of working with Local Authorities as well as schools either with you or on your behalf.
Support Advocate

Special Educational Needs Legal Training

Our case managers each have over 10 years of experience in this specialist field of law and receive regular training from some of the most well-respected SEN Specialist solicitors in the UK. Most recently;-

A useful document which is updated annually is the 'NODDY GUIDE' https://www.matrixlaw.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/Noddy-Guide-2022-270222.pdf
An entry from our a case won by our own Evelyn Ashford, with support from Helen Gill at John Ford Solicitors, and Alex Line of Outer Temple Chambers questioned the age at which an EHCP should be ceased. The Upper tier ruled that this could be up to the day before the 26th birthday to complete a course or package of support, and is a matter for judicial review if refused rather than a decision for the SEND Tribunal to assume. (Noddy Guide text...)
 "The duty to maintain an EHCP applies until an individual is 25, as at that point they cease to be a “young person”: CFA2014 s37(1), s42, s46 and s83(2). However, the LA has a discretion to continue to maintain an EHC Plan for a young person until the end of the academic year during which the young person turns 25: CFA2014 s46. Any dispute as to the discretion to continue a plan beyond the age of 25 is for judicial review rather than the FTT: JL (by EA) v Somerset County Council [2021] UKUT 324 (AAC) #25-29".

  • HCB Solicitors - Ed Duff, training on VAT being charged on private school fees, mediation - particularly when LAs refuse to to engage, equipment as provision in Section F and using Judicial Review as a tool to help manage the long waiting times for appeals to be heard

  • GELDARDS Law Firm - Kevin McManamon, training on social care and health sections of the EHCP.

  • HCB Solicitors - Ed Duff; training on Case Law and how it affects each part of the process for special educational provision, interpretation of legislation and future implications for SEND Appeal cases 

  • GELDARDS Law Firm -  Adam Friel and Salise Dourmoush; training on EOTAS, waking day curriculum and 'home schooling' during appeal.  

  • HCB Solicitors - Andrew Barrowclough; training on SEND Hearings, preparation, presentation and jurisdiction.

EHCP Checking Service

If you have a proposed or final Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP) we can provide you with a detailed report to advise on the legality and the value of the content, comment on the format, specificity, and appendices/professional reports.
Costs – from £65

Working Document Service

A ‘Working Document’ is what we call the EHCP while it is still under negotiation; either in SEND Tribunal appeal or otherwise. We offer a discounted standard cost for this service – on capped time, to prepare the working document for you using reports and evidence. The cost will vary according to how many documents you would like us to review.